Learning objectives

Learning objectives of the course are to:

(1) Develop speaking fluency,
(2) Develop listening comprehension,
(3) Improve pronunciation, and
(4) Contextualize American English in its cultural and historic background

Learning objectives for Country Music Unit are:

Learners will:

~ Use the language of American country music to describe it, orally and in writing
~ Comprehend the vocabulary words when uttered
~ Pronounce the words using standard American English
~ Acquire new vocabulary from the environment
~ Engage in common speech acts
~ Improve oral fluency
~ Improve listening comprehension
~ Acquire the content that enables them to carry on a conversation about American Country Music for 10-15 minutes


Students will demonstrate their learning in the following two summative activities:

#1. In teams, learners will create a 20 minute presentation.
Teams will select their own presentation topic and format by submitting a two page proposal.
Assessment will be done using rubrics and there are individual and team grades.

#2 In small conversation groups, learners discuss a randomly selected topic about country music.
Teacher observes the discussion and simultaneously assesses each participant.
Assessment follows a rubric that measures content, vocabulary usage, fluency, pronunciation, participation and overall performance.